Ford Brazil – Eco-Sport MY17 (B515) Introduction

When Ford introduced its Eco-Sport (B515) model in Brazil it required tooling to accommodate the introduction.

Ford asked us to design and manufacture 100 new adaptive tools and 20 pairs of bolster supports for its current front decking pallets and 21 new rear decking pallets.

The adaptive tools are based on our standard designs. The new bolster supports include a slide rail.

When designing the new rear decking fixture for Ford Brazil, we ensured that our new design could also accommodate builds of the previous Eco-Sport vehicle and the Ford Figo as well as the new Eco-Sport (MY17). Ford also builds the new B515 Eco-Sport in Venezuela, so we designed the new pallet to also be compatible with the Ford Venezuela rear decking pallet.

The new design incorporates the following features:

  • The pallet is designed to integrate with existing Camacari decking tools.
  • All components on the tooling are color coded to ensure that operators can configure the tooling.
  • The rear axle tooling has built-in float to assist operators with decking the rear axle into the body bracket


